Advance your career with Pharmuni Premium

Gain essential skills and knowledge in the pharmaceutical industry with Pharmuni Premium, providing the tools you need to master GMP, Quality Management Systems, and compliance. Choose your plan and begin your journey today!

  • Access to free courses
  • Limited access to skill tree
  • Certification for free courses
  • Explore job board
  • Join our LinkedIn community
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Save $79.36 | billed yearly
  • Access full content library
  • Course certifications
  • Access CV builder
  • Access cover letter builder
  • Full access to skill tree
  • Explore job board
  • Access job application board
  • Personalized profile URL
  • Pro only community and events

Subscription prices include VAT where applicable 

Unlock premium benefits

With Pharmuni Premium, elevate your pharma expertise with 40+ standard courses and quizzes and an AI-powered skill tree tailored to your growth. Unlock VIP consultations, plus pharma-focused resume and cover letter builders, to refine your professional edge.

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Pharmuni Premium

Access Course LibraryFree Courses onlyAll Courses
CV Builder-
Cover Letter Builder-
Skill TreeLimitedUnlimited
CertificationsFor free coursesAll Courses
CV Optimization-
Downloadable ResourcesFor free coursesAll Courses
Learn on mobile
Personalized Profile URL-
Explore Job Board
Apply for Jobs-
VIP Job and Career Consultation-
Member-only Events-
LinkedIn Community

Select your plan

Choose the plan that fits your career goals best. Go for the flexible monthly option or save big with the annual plan. Invest in your future with Pharmuni Premium and start your journey today!



Our subscription plans offer access to a wide range of high-quality courses across various topics, please see the subscription plans for more information.

To subscribe, navigate to the Subscriptions page, and select either the monthly or yearly plan. Follow the instructions to complete your subscription.

Currently, you can only switch from monthly to yearly plans.

The cost of the monthly or yearly subscription varies based on your location and any current promotions. Please check the Subscriptions page for the latest pricing.

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. Your access will continue until the end of your current billing cycle. Please refer to our terms and conditions.

Payments are processed automatically on the same date for each billing cycle. For example, if you sign up for a monthly subscription on the 01st of the month, then the next billing will be the 01st of the following month. For yearly subscriptions, the same process applies and you will be automatically charged in your next billing cycle. For example, if you sign up for a yearly subscription on the 01st January 2024 your next payment to be process will be 01st January 2025.